Saturday, 23 May 2009

The 16th president of Korea killed himself

On Saturday, the 16th president of Korea had killed himself. The president had one bodyguard. He wanted to climb a mountain so he went to a mountain. The bodyguard also. When he almost reached the top of mountain, he said that there was a lot of people are climbing. He went a cliff that called owl cliff. He asked his bodyguard for a cigarette so the bodyguard started finding. However, he looked down and fell down! The cliff looks like a normal but it was too dangerous that everybody do not go there. The bodyguard took him to hospital but he was died already. Every body was so sad. He was a kind man. He like environment and good attitude. All of politician went to the prsident and cried. Also, the 17th president cancell all of meeting even EU meeting. Everybody went to streets, and cried. My family was disappointed.

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