Saturday, 28 March 2009

Kim Yeon Ah

Today, Korean athlete called Kim Yeon Ah won '2009 ISU international figure skating competition'. Her score was a new record in figure skating. She also won Asada Mao.
She is a Japanese and as same age as Kim Yeon Ah. Asada Mao's job was good but today, Kim Yeon Ah's job was much better. Kim Yeon Ah's score was 76.12 but Asada Mao's score was only 66.06. Koreans were very proud and pleasure. However, in many Japanese website, many Japaneses were angry at lost to Korean athlete and said bad things about Kim Yeon Ah.
I don't understand why they post things like that. I understand how they feel sad for that but I also angry at Japanese. They felt very proud and posted disregard things about Korean and Korea. And now, they are posting bad things about lost to Korean and Kim Yeon Ah. Poor Kim Yeon Ah, she just won in the game. How dare they say bad things about them.

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